Throughout the course of history, commerce has been shaped by the use of several different means of payment. From primitive money like shells,...
What are Bitcoin Timelocks?
Timelocks are Bitcoin’s basic yet effective smart contract feature. Timelocks are code that tells the entire network when a certain amount of coins...
The Legend of Bitcoin Pizza Day
Ten years ago, software programmer Laszlo Hanyecz marked a milestone in Bitcoin history when he used cryptocurrency to buy two pizzas. It was May...
How to Save on Bitcoin Transaction Fees
You may have noticed these past weeks that Bitcoin transaction fees were particularly high compared to the earlier part of the year. This is due to...
What Does the Bitcoin Futures Basis Tell You?
The basis for Bitcoin is the difference between the spot price and the futures contract price. The concepts of contango and backwardation refer to...
Lightning Network : The Road to Billions of Bitcoin Users
In 2020, Bitcoin works very well for its main use cases: confiscation-resistant store of value and censorship-resistant medium of exchange. Anyone...
Taproot and Private Bitcoin Smart Contracts
Taproot is one of the most significant Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIP) written in recent years. In a nutshell, it aims to enable privacy and...
How Does a Federated Sidechain Work?
Sidechains are one of the most fascinating and ambitious innovations in the Bitcoin space. At their core, sidechains are parallel blockchains that...
What Is a Liquid Asset?
The Liquid Network is a federated sidechain of Bitcoin that allows anyone to issue digital assets and take advantage of its many features including...