
BTSE to List SynFutures ($F)

BTSE to List SynFutures ($F)

BTSE will list SynFutures ($F) on January 10, making it available for spot trading. Additionally, $F will be listed on BTSE’s wider ecosystem of 20+...

BTSE to List Verasity ($VRA)

BTSE to List Verasity ($VRA)

  BTSE will list Verasity ($VRA) on January 2, 2025, making it available for spot trading. Additionally, $VRA will be listed on BTSE’s wider...

Delisting MAVIA-PERP

Delisting MAVIA-PERP

Dear Traders, On 12/26 (Thursday), 16:00 (UTC+8), Heroes of Mavia Perpetual Futures (MAVIA-PERP) will be delisted. Trading for this futures contract...